News — Flea and Tick

Improving Sustainability

Adopting a greener lifestyle is now less of a trend, and more of a necessity as environmental degradation and climate change become more widespread and prevalent. There is a global shift toward green consumerism. Sustainable practices and development aid the economy’s growth and development while ensuring its safety for future generations. Sustainable business practices preserve the long-term viability of People, Planet and Profit. At a time when society is becoming more aware of its impact on the environment, a collective movement towards a sustainable future is leading to huge changes in business practices that benefit the planet. Pure and Natural...

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Holiday Puppy - A Guide to What You Need

  The holidays and New Year often mean a new puppy in the household. Training and consistency in your routine are the keys to success. Start Your Training The earlier you start, the faster and easier it will be to teach good manners, and the better the lessons will stick. The two most important things to teach your dog are house training and socialization — getting them comfortable around other people and pets. Guide to house training puppies:   Guide for puppy socialization:  Set Up A Routine A routine helps with house training and is reassuring to your dog. Plan your schedule...

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Protecting Your Dog from Ticks & Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease in Pets Protecting your canines from ticks is a critical part of their overall wellbeing and health. The following outlines useful information for detection and prevention. For canines: The most important tick-borne diseases that affect dogs are Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesiosis, Bartonellosis, and Hepatozoonosis. All can have serious health consequences for dogs and many can have serious health consequences for people as well. Most cases of Lyme disease can be treated successfully with a few weeks of antibiotics. Steps to prevent Lyme disease include using flea & tick repellent, checking for and removing ticks promptly,...

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Flea & Tick Prevention: Protect Your Dog Naturally

  Fleas and ticks are not only an itchy nuisance, but can transmit a number of diseases, and put your pets, and you at risk. Before heading outdoors, it's important to prepare for flea and tick season by taking precautionary measures thatprotect your pet and family. When taking these preventative steps, pet parents may mistakenly use harmful flea and tick methods. These methods include sprays with dangerous toxins, chemical-filled shampoos, and certain medications that are considered unsafe for dogs. Unfortunately, there have been many reports warning pet parents about the negative side effects of toxic flea and tick products. Certainmedications...

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