News — Puppy Essentials

Holiday Puppy - A Guide to What You Need

  The holidays and New Year often mean a new puppy in the household. Training and consistency in your routine are the keys to success. Start Your Training The earlier you start, the faster and easier it will be to teach good manners, and the better the lessons will stick. The two most important things to teach your dog are house training and socialization — getting them comfortable around other people and pets. Guide to house training puppies:   Guide for puppy socialization:  Set Up A Routine A routine helps with house training and is reassuring to your dog. Plan your schedule...

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Why American Made Matters

American Made is more than just an anthem. It’s a growing movement of people who are conscientious “label readers” and look for the points of origin as USA.

Buying products with the “Made in USA” label keeps jobs going, and our economy thriving.

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The Ultimate Guide to Grooming Your Pet at Home

Creating a safe at-home grooming routine keeps your pet clean and healthy. It’s also a special time to bond with your furry friend. Your pet will associate grooming sessions as a positive experience when you show them extra love, attention and give them their favorite treats as a reward.

Good grooming includes looking after your pet’s skin, coat, paws, ears, teeth, nose, and eyes, plus being patient with them during the process. With a regular routine, you can avoid health problems and even an expensive run to your veterinarian.

Having a healthy & happy pet is the ultimate goal every pet parent wants to achieve. We put together a guide to help you easily care for your pet and develop an at-home grooming routine.

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