News — Pet Grooming

Essential Dog Hygiene Tips for Happy and Healthy Pets

Essential Dog Hygiene Tips for Happy and Healthy Pets
As a loving and responsible pet owner, it’s not only our job to make sure our dogs are showered with love but also maintained in top-notch hygiene.  Here are some tips to help keep your canine feeling (and smelling) their best in between trips to the groomer:

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Preparing Your Dog for Warmer Temps & Summer

Warmer weather is finally upon us. Summer is the time for outdoor fun with your pets; longer walks, hikes, beach days, and family travel.   Summer can pose risks to your dog with increased exposure to the sun, fleas & ticks. Time to prepare to make summer more enjoyable for all, including your furry best-friend. Did you know a dog can get a sunburnt nose and that some dog breeds are more prone to getting sunburns. Just like people who get too much sun, dogs also get red skin that is tender to the touch. The most susceptible areas—the nose, ears...

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Feline Sensitivity

Cats have a delicate endocrine system and products that are safe for dogs can be harmful to cats. One of the most common medical conditions affecting cats is allergies. An allergy occurs when the cat's immune system over-reacts or is hypersensitive to foreign substances known as allergens. Allergens are either ingested, inhaled or topical that has come in contact with your cat.  Examples that are often the problem are pesticides, essential oils, and even some grooming products. That’s why all of our Pure and Natural Pet feline grooming & wellness products are free of perfumes, dyes and harmful essential oils....

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Why American Made Matters

American Made is more than just an anthem. It’s a growing movement of people who are conscientious “label readers” and look for the points of origin as USA.

Buying products with the “Made in USA” label keeps jobs going, and our economy thriving.

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The Ultimate Guide to Grooming Your Pet at Home

Creating a safe at-home grooming routine keeps your pet clean and healthy. It’s also a special time to bond with your furry friend. Your pet will associate grooming sessions as a positive experience when you show them extra love, attention and give them their favorite treats as a reward.

Good grooming includes looking after your pet’s skin, coat, paws, ears, teeth, nose, and eyes, plus being patient with them during the process. With a regular routine, you can avoid health problems and even an expensive run to your veterinarian.

Having a healthy & happy pet is the ultimate goal every pet parent wants to achieve. We put together a guide to help you easily care for your pet and develop an at-home grooming routine.

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