
Pet Wellness & Improving Health

Pet wellness products enhance and improve your pet’s well-being and can add longevity. Your canine may be experiencing sensitivity, allergies, or an infection. This is where ingredients really matter; read labels and look for natural ingredients with healing properties. Not only are these safer for your pet – but it’s a healthier and more sustainable choice for our planet. From daily needs or proactive preventatives, we have a variety of products that quickly clean and heal. Pet dental care is growing. More pet parents understand the importance of caring for their pets’ teeth. The condition of your pets’ teeth plays...

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Feline Sensitivity

Cats have a delicate endocrine system and products that are safe for dogs can be harmful to cats. One of the most common medical conditions affecting cats is allergies. An allergy occurs when the cat's immune system over-reacts or is hypersensitive to foreign substances known as allergens. Allergens are either ingested, inhaled or topical that has come in contact with your cat.  Examples that are often the problem are pesticides, essential oils, and even some grooming products. That’s why all of our Pure and Natural Pet feline grooming & wellness products are free of perfumes, dyes and harmful essential oils....

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Caring for Your Canines Teeth

We all know that dental care is important, but did you know good dental care is just as vital for your pet? Beyond your routine Veterinary appointments, you can do at-home dental care to help improve your dog’s teeth and gums. Plaque and tartar can buildup on a canine’s teeth and gums. Over time, this can lead to gum disease and gingivitis. Dental problems can be painful and cause inflammation, tooth decay, and tooth or bone loss. Plaque and bacteria can also enter your dog’s bloodstream and affect their heart, liver, and kidneys. Cleaning your dog’s teeth can minimize plaque and tartar....

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Traveling With Your Pets

More people are traveling with their pets on both long and short trips than ever before. Along with their pet food, it’s also important to pack first aid as well as essential grooming and wellness items to make your trip more enjoyable for everyone. While on the go and in route to your destination, try to follow your established routines and bring your pets favorite toy or blanket for some added comforts from home. Consistency will help your pet transition to the new environment, even if it’s for a short time. Routine is key! Make sure your pet has recently...

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Winterize Your Pet

As we head to cooler temps, now is the time to prepare for your pets needs. While most people routinely winterize their house, cars and wardrobe, it is absolutely essential to include your pets in the winterization process. All pets should have wellness check-ups by their vet to ensure they are ready for winter. Cold weather can further irritate arthritis and other medical conditions and make it more difficult for your pet to regulate their body temperate.  Make sure your furry friend is protected from vents that can be blowing hot and cold air which can be drying to their skin and coat...

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